(Via: Allposters.com) |
Sorry for not posting as regularly as I should be here on my blog site. I have been a bit preoccupied with my day to day routines and suffering from what surely must be writers block. My readers must be wondering what I have been doing that has kept me from my own blog.. I have been a busy girl clearing up my todo list, some of which I will write blog posties about to share with you, I will spare you from the mundane day to day life stuffs. The list of things completed is also a list of future blog postings so without further ado here 'tis:
- Processed the garden of tomatoes and froze for winter consumption
- Toured the northern part of Vermont to visit some spectacular waterfalls
- Traded in an older vehicle for a nice new crossover
- Finally enrolled again to complete my degree
- Spent a day in southern Vermont at the Hildene, I had the entire grounds to myself.
- The best, taking advantage of some spectacular weather for boating and hanging with good friends
- Turbo Fire is still going strong and I am now in week 13, loving the positive results
- Started running, HIIT training rocks as my first time out I ran 3.5 miles in under 30 minutes
- Completed a 3000 pushup in 30 days challenge in under 14 days!!
- Enjoying the plethora of wooded trails local to our home
Again, so sorry for not keeping this site updated as often as I would like to have. Perhaps I need to update my todo list and add that I need to finalize and post the many drafts I have started here. Of course when the days start getting shorter here in northern Vermont the feeling of urgency starts to hit as I realize that all that I have set out to do over the course of the summer hasn't been done. Winter is my best blogging time, winter is when we here in the tundra are sequestered indoors looking for escape..
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